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While this workshop is not accredited by an educational institution, it possible to receive credits for professional development per approval from your school district. Upon completion of one of our workshop offerings, you will be given a certificate. In addition to possible PD credits, you will receive all of the materials used in our workshops as well as gain access to our private Facebook group for Wonder Workshop graduates.


Many of our workshop attendees receive funding to attend this workshop. We encourage you to ask your school district if PD funds are available!  


Lastly, we want to be transparent and let you know that we don't make a single penny off of our live workshops. We pour all of our funds into creating the best ELA PD day ever in regards to content and experience. This includes transportation costs for presenters, venue rental, and everything that goes along with putting on an event of this nature. However, this isn't to say that our presenters don't deserve to be compensated for their time and expertise, because they most certainly do. One way of making sure that our presenters are compensated like the professionals they are is through the online offering. We appreciate your support and hope that you find this workshop valuable, inspiring, and transformative. 

Virtual Workshop 
$135 or
4 payments of $35 


Your ticket price includes 18 +possible PD credit hours per prior approval from your district, approximately $100 worth of teaching materials, unlimited replays, valuable expertise from presenters, and a priceless community full of like-minded English teachers. 

Summer Workshop


Your ticket price includes seven possible PD credit hours per prior approval from your district, approximately $50 worth of teaching materials, refreshments, valuable expertise from presenters, and a priceless room full of like-minded English teachers. 

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